Monday 30 November 2009

A gap in the fog

What to do with a marketing blog when you don't work in marketing any more? To be honest I'm not sure, so Wallpapering Fog is going to take a sabbatical for a bit while I decide what to do with it.

Friday will be my last day at Mindshare. After ten years in various marketing analyst jobs (ish - there's been some fun side projects along the way too) I'm leaving to work for EMI. There'll be things to do that are marketing and things that aren't and to tell the truth, I'm not sure exactly what it will be yet, which is why I'm excited. And it's been too long since work has got me properly excited.

So no more Wallpapering Fog for now. If it turns out to still be useful, I'll start posting again. I can't start a music related blog as I don't know enough about it (yet)!

This has been a brilliant place to put thoughts in order and have a rant and I'd highly recommend blogging to anyone who works in marketing. Just don't put Google Analytics on your site if you've got the kind of obsessive personality that will eagerly track visitor numbers. It's evil. And slightly depressing. Blog for yourself and if other people read it, then that's a bonus.

Cheerio & thanks for reading,



DuBose Cole said...

It was a good run mate and we'll miss you at the office. Without your blog for competition I don't think I'll be able to obsessively check Google Analytics for my traffic nearly as much....

Anonymous said...

Best of luck! And thanks for all your great posts here too.

Just out of curiosity, are you off to EMI to save the music industry, or to do something more covert?

Hope you'll continue to visit and challenge those of us who're still addicted to the analytics numbers...

Neil C said...

Will still be visiting now and again...

I'm not off to save the music industry - they seem to be well on their way with that. I'm just going to see if I can help ;o)